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Kevin Rudd, China and Asia Society Policy Institute

已有 392 次阅读2016-1-16 20:58 |个人分类:Frank's Writings| China

Kevin Rudd, China and Asia Society Policy Institute         

     Frank  Jan 16, 2016, in Waterloo, On. 

      Jan 16, 2016, I was touched by a photo from Kevin Rudd's Tencent Weibo. 



        2016-1-1 09:17 来自 iPhone 6s


      I searched other photo as follow from DailyMail that Destined to follow granddad into a career in politics? Former prime minister Kevin Rudd welcome his adorable first grandson into the world.

        Kevin Rudd was congratulated by a number of twitter users, some pointing out he will need to buy two presents rather than a combined birthday and Christmas present     

       Rudd is truly understanding the culture of China, even Blogs in Mandarin.  

     The photos made me tearful, an active rational politician, at first, is a man who is full of love, is a son, a husband, a father, a grandfather...... 

      Mr. Kevin Rudd was Australia’s 26th Prime Minister and currently is the president of Asia Society Policy Institute based in New York City and Washington, D.C.

      I searched some information about Asia Society Policy Institute as follow.

      Asia Society is the leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context. Across the fields of arts, business, culture, education, and policy, the Society provides insight, generates ideas, and promotes collaboration to address present challenges and create a shared future.

      Founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd, Asia Society is a nonpartisan, nonprofit institution with headquarters in New York, centers in Hong Kong andHouston, and offices in Los AngelesManilaMumbai,San FranciscoSeoulShanghaiSydneyWashington, DC and Zurich.

     The symbol of the Asia Society is the leogryph. 

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    ASPI’s core staff members are based in New York City and Washington, D.C. Various experts are also affiliated with ASPI through fellowships and senior advisory roles.


Josette Sheeran

President and CEO

Josette Sheeran is the seventh president and CEO of Asia Society. In the position, which she assumed in June 2013, she is responsible for leading and advancing the organization's work throughout the U.S. and Asia, and across its disciplines of arts and culture, policy and business, and education. Show full bio

The Hon. Kevin Rudd Kevin Rudd BIO  The Honorable President


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We Know Asia, Get to Know Us


Kevin Rudd on China in 2016

Managing new challenges at home, while approaching a greater role in the global order

2016 is the year of the monkey. According to Chinese astrological tradition, monkeys are supposed to be intelligent, quick-witted, clever, ambitious and adventurous. All of these attributes will be in high demand as China negotiates the complex policy challenges before it in the year ahead.

China will be preoccupied with intense preparations for its 19th Party Congress in 2017. Other than President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, the five other members of the existing Politburo Standing Committee—China’s top leaders—will reach retirement age. There will also be a large turnover in the wider Politburo and the 205-strong Central Committee. Xi has inherited a leadership structure very much determined by his predecessors, so he will use the Party Congress to consolidate his political authority even further. The nationwide mass campaign against corruption of the past three years is likely to conclude, although anti­corruption efforts will remain a core priority, central to Xi’s vision of preserving party legitimacy.

Xi will also strengthen the leadership’s economic team, given the imperatives of China’s reform program and the strong global economic headwinds the country faces. Despite some breathless Western commentary, there will be no Chinese economic implosion in 2016. China calculates that it needs at least 6% growth to provide the job numbers, increases in income and poverty reduction required for social stability. We’ll see declines in manufacturing exports, state investment and property, yet slow but gradual increases in private consumption and more-rapid growth in the domestic-services sector and IT are likely to put that 6% figure within reach. Just to make sure, Chinese leaders are embarking on not-insignificant fiscal and monetary expansion—a sign they will do whatever it takes to stay above the 6% threshold.

In its own neighborhood, China appears to have concluded that recent policies in the East and South China Seas have produced more problems than they are worth. The country is embarking on a new diplomatic offensive in the region, one designed to lower the regional temperature, hence high-level diplomacy with Japan, Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines, together with Xi’s historic meeting with Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou. China’s strategy is designed to challenge the underlying rationale for the U.S. to “rebalance” to Asia, reflected in U.S. naval deployments in the South China Sea and deepening security engagement with Chinese neighbors. Beijing also wants to avoid any easy pretext for another debilitating round of public “Sino-phobia” during the U.S. presidential campaign.

Globally, we will continue to see a more confident, activist Chinese foreign and economic policy. Xi’s unprecedented rounds of summits in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America reflect a perception of China as the indispensable global economic power. So too with the flurry of large-scale Chinese economic initiatives, like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the BRICS Bank and the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. Beijing will use 2016 to consolidate these programs rather than launch anything new on a similar scale.

Within the existing multilateral system, however, China is likely to become increasingly forward-leaning, leaving behind Deng Xiaoping’s doctrine of “hide your strength, bide your time, never take the lead.” The West, rather than attacking Chinese multilateral activism, might consider welcoming it. It may help strengthen the existing, deeply challenged institutions of global governance, like the U.N., the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO and the G-20. Otherwise, the gap between the growing demand for effective global governance and its supply will widen. And that doesn’t help anybody.

Rudd is the 26th Prime Minister of Australia and president of the Asia Society Policy Institute in New York.
   This appears in the December 28, 2015 issue of TIME.

Kevin Rudd Prime minister of Australia


          Written by: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica





      Kevin Rudd, in full Kevin Michael Rudd   (born September 21, 1957, Nambour, Queensland, Australia), Australian politician, who served as leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP; 2006–10; 2013) and prime minister of Australia (2007–10; 2013).

      Rudd grew up on a farm in Eumundi, Queensland. Politically active from his youth, he joined the ALP in 1972. He attended the Australian National University in Canberra, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Asian studies before embarking on a diplomatic career. From 1981 to 1988 he served in Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, holding embassy posts in Stockholm and Beijing. He left the department to become chief of staff for Queensland opposition leader Wayne Goss—a position he retained after Goss became premier of Queensland in 1989. Rudd served as director general of the state cabinet office from 1992 to 1995. Entering the private sector, he worked for two years as a senior consultant for the accounting firm KPMG Australia. 

               Rudd, Kevin: Rudd and his wife, Thérèse Rein [Credit: Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images]

Rudd was first elected to the federal House of Representatives—as the member for Griffith, Queensland—in 1998 and was twice reelected (2001 and 2004). In Parliament he held a series of positions that gave him increasing responsibility within the Labor Party. After the 2001 election, in which Prime Minister John Winston Howard’s coalition secured a strong working majority, Rudd was appointed shadow minister for foreign affairs. Frequently appearing in televised interviews and on political talk shows, Rudd became known as a vocal critic of the Howard government’s handling of the Iraq War. He was given the additional shadow ministry portfolios of international security in 2003 and trade in 2005. At the ALPcaucus held on December 4, 2006, he was chosen party leader, defeating former head Kim Beazley by a vote of 49–39.

In 2007 Rudd increased his calls for Howard to set a date for the next federal elections and urged the prime minister to meet him in face-to-face debates. Rudd—who was riding a wave of popular support at the same time that Howard’s voter-satisfaction ratings were dropping—promised to bring a new leadership style to Australian politics. He called for a clear-cut exit strategy for Australian forces in Iraq, and he criticized Howard for recent rises in interest rates. In addition, Rudd stressed the importance of improving health services. To that end, he announced a comprehensive public health reform plan that he vowed to set in motion early in his administration if he was elected prime minister. In the November 2007 elections, the ALP easily defeated Howard and the Liberal Party. Rudd was sworn in as prime minister on December 3, 2007. Following through on a campaign promise, he formally apologized to the Australian Aborigines in February 2008 for abuses they had suffered under earlier administrations.

Rudd made climate change a centrepiece of his administration, calling it the “greatest moral challenge of our generation” and pushing for adoption of a carbonemissions trading scheme. He negotiated a deal with Malcolm Turnbull of the opposition Liberal Party of Australia to secure passage of the bill in the Senate. However, Turnbull faced dissent within his own party that led to his ouster and replacement by Tony Abbott, an opponent of the emissions trading scheme, and the bill was defeated in the Senate in December 2009. Because of this and other policy setbacks, Rudd’s popularity declined, prompting an internal challenge byJulia Gillard, his deputy prime minister, in June 2010. Sensing his imminent defeat, Rudd chose not to contest the leadership vote, and Gillard was subsequently elected ALP leader and succeeded him as prime minister. Later that year Rudd became foreign minister, but he resigned in late February 2012 amid speculation that he was planning to challenge Gillard for leadership of the party.  Within days Gillard called for a poll among the members of Parliament who belonged to the government coalition, and the vote resulted in a decisive defeat for Rudd.

         ALP infighting continued, and in June 2013 Rudd’s ALP supporters began petitioning for Rudd to challenge Gillard for party leadership. Gillard responded with a call for a decisive ALP leadership vote in which the loser would retire from politics, to which Rudd agreed. On June 26, 2013, Rudd emerged as the winner, once again assuming leadership of the ALP, and he was sworn in as prime minister the next day. The change in leadership did little to reverse the party’s decline in public approval, however, and less than three months later Rudd and the ALP suffered a decisive loss to the Liberal-National coalition in the September 7 general election. Rudd retained his parliamentary seat but announced that he would step down as party leader. 


         2015-11-19 01:28:00  环球时报 陆克文

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