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How did China rationally govern social security

已有 712 次阅读2016-3-23 06:50 |个人分类:中国| security, social, China

This question came up as a result of discussion I was having today over breakfast. There were no viable reasons found as to why the terror attacks do not take place in China. Is it because Chinese have a different religion which the terrorists do not view it as a threat, or is it because of China being manufacturing capital of world and they feel hurting it will cost them.
This is a genuine question and I do NOT mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Do humbly request you to answer it. Thanks!
24 Answers

Robin Daverman
Robin DavermanInternational Traveler
63k Views • Upvoted by Shane Ryooan American
Robin is a Most Viewed Writer in China.
There has been terrorist attacks in China, as Kaiser Kuo said. But the nature of the attacks are very different from the countries you mentioned above, and so the Chinese has to deal with it in a very different way. 

The USA, UK, India, and Europe mostly blamed foreigners such as Al Qaeda and ISIS for terrorist attacks. (Whether it's true or not is a different story) But it's not easy for foreigners to sneak into China through the south of Xinjiang province because the Chinese does not have open border with anybody, her border police are pretty good, and a large part of the Xinjiang border are patrolled by the local Tajiks. 
By ethnicity they are Caucasian, by religion they are Shia Muslims, and by inclination they are more Chinese than the Han Chinese. Seriously. Here is a picture of an old Tajik Chinese hammering out the name "China" on a boulder every time he goes to the border. 
The Tajiks basically live at the border and guard the border and is probably the most patriotic of any Chinese.

Historically China has the ability to deal with foreign insurgencies very successfully. In the 50s the CIA was sending boatload and planeful of KMT soldiers from Taiwan to the Mainland to try to organize some kind of anti-government forces. All of them were immediately captured by the local villagers. In the 70s the CIA was organizing "Free Tibet" guerrillas from Nepal. As soon as they landed the local Tibetans ran to the CCP army to alert them. So for the Chinese government, the foreign terrorists would not be a problem if the local people and the ethnic minorities are completely behind it. So for the Chinese government, terrorism is mostly about beefing up domestic immunity. 

The Uyghur People, before that mess in Afghanistan, looked like this,
Does this look anything like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan? No? Exactly. Then burqa and all that fundamentalist stuff started floating into China, and terrorism started. But at the end of the day, the Uyghurs are still Chinese. Even if some of them are terrorists. So the questions is, how do you immunize your own people against Islamic fundamentalism, how do you, as the government, make sure the Uyghurs live a good life, as well as everybody else? There are 50 different ethnicity in Xinjiang province alone, including Hui, Mongolian, Manchu, Tatar, Tajik, Russian, and Han. There has been no terrorist activities from any of these ethnic minorities, none at all. Except a small portion of the Uyghurs. Why? There may be a lot of reasons but economy does have a part in it. The average Mongolian Chinese in China makes 3 times more than those living in Mongolia; the average Tajik Chinese makes 5 times more than those living in Tajikistan; the average Tibetan Chinese makes 10 times more than those living in Nepal and 5 times more than those living in India. Most people don't fight so that they can live worse than before. But the Uyghurs, they like to compare themselves with Turkey, and on average they make only 70% of those living in Turkey. 

So the Chinese diagnosis for terrorism is not "religion" but "a lack of modernization." What China is doing is to put enough armed police there to keep the peace, in the meantime pouring investment into the region to accelerate modernization, especially in education and economic development. In additional to building new universities in the region, the One Belt, One Road starts from the provincial capital of Xinjiang. The basic idea behind it is that you need peace to modernize, and once you modernize everyone will rather live a fruitful life instead of committing terrorist acts against your friends and neighbors. The dissatisfaction will trickle away once Xinjiang surpasses Turkey.

In the meantime, the Chinese media heavily promotes stories that strengthen ethnic harmony, like the Uyghur college student who donated 6 tons of Uyghur Halal food for 2013 Lushan earthquake, and the Uyghur CCP party head who lost five of his own relatives in an earthquake while saving almost 100 other villagers himself. Stuff like that. I would say that 90% of the fight against terrorism is on the local level, usually led by the local village head and the local police. They work together and get the local residents to tell them when something strange is going on, and that's all what it takes.

On foreign relations, China has good relationship with both Iran and Pakistan and both of them will help China with preventing terrorists going overland into China, and China also has good relationship with the NATO troops in Afghanistan, the Afghanistan government, and the Taliban in Afghanistan. All of them have given China assurance to help keep terrorists out of China. 

We'll see how it works out for China. One Uyghur Chinese once made the comment, "If you treat me as a Chinese, I'll treat you as a Chinese; If you treat me as a Uyghur, I'll treat you as a Han." This really captures the essence of ethnic relationship in China, and the Chinese are trying very hard to treat everybody as Chinese. The interesting thing will be whether one is more successful fighting terrorism by hitting hard at the "enemies", or treating them more like errant teenagers who will settle down in their mellow middle age.
Kaiser Kuo
Kaiser KuoDoing Life in Beijing
14.6k Views • Upvoted by Kyle MuraoAmericanSiddharth Pathakfrom this land
Kaiser is a Most Viewed Writer in China.
Actually in recent years China has experienced several attacks by terrorists who were Islamic—but whether these were instances of "Islamic terrorism," or whether they were more narrowly ethnic separatist terror attacks is still a matter of debate. 

The most notable recent instance was the March 1 2014 attack by a group of Uyghurs armed mainly with long knives at the train station in Kunming, Yunnan province, in which 29 innocent victims were killed and 143 were wounded. Another incident, on October 28 2013, saw a group of people identified as Uyghur separatists drive a Jeep into a crowd on Chang'an Boulevard in Beijing, and attempt to crash into Tiananmen, China's "Gate of Heavenly Peace," before setting itself alight. There have been several other attacks stretching back to the early 1990s that could be classified as terrorism—attacks on civilian targets (not organs of state, military or paramilitary personnel) for political purposes. 

Chinese authorities said that radical pro-Islamist (Salaafist or Jihadist) banners were deployed by the Tiananmen attackers and materials linking the Kunming attackers to global Jihad had been found, but the extent of links to global terror networks is unclear. Groups like the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) and some of its alleged successor organizations have clear ties to Al Qaeda, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, and other terrorist organizations, but the size of these groups and the extent of their involvement in planning and execution of attacks in China is still a matter of debate.

So far attacks against Chinese targets within China by individuals affiliated or tangentially affiliated with global terrorist organizations have been mainly concerned with independence for Xinjiang, the autonomous region of northwest China populated mainly by the Uyghurs, a Turkic, Sunni ethnicity. ISIS has, in some statements, included China in its list of enemy states but to date no terror attacks in China are directly attributable to that organization.

If radical Islamic terrorism hasn't focused much on China to date, it may be for several reasons: First, Beijing has carefully cultivated relations with Islamic states throughout the Middle East and especially in the Gulf, has tended to support Arab states in UN votes concerning Palestine, and has taken a balanced and measured approach toward Israel. Second, while notionally a participant in the "Global War on Terror," China has not stationed troops in the Hijaz region of western Saudi Arabia, as the US and other Western allies have. This is one very big sore point for Al Qaeda and its successor organizations. While there has been significant ethnic unrest with some Islamic populations (most notably, the 2009 riots in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang), nothing on the scale of, say, the Gujarat Riots of 2002 which resulted in the deaths of several hundred—perhaps up to 2000—Muslims.

China also has maintained warm ties with Pakistan, calling the relationship an "all-weather friendship," despite the fact that Pakistan's tribal areas have been home to groups Beijing deems unfriendly to its interests. 

With a more aggressive posture now toward manifestations of religious fundamentalism in Xinjiang—the hijab, long beards, even Ramadan fasting—it's quite possible that Beijing will provoke greater anger in coming years. Whether this manifests itself in terror attacks will depend on many things, including the effectiveness of domestic security forces, the trajectory of minority policy, extent of external pressure, and much more.
Jimmy Liu
Jimmy LiuI've been told I'm Chinese...
10.9k Views • Jimmy is a Most Viewed Writer in China.
They DO attack China, as all the answers below have already explained in great detail.

But of course we're not allowed to call it "terrorism", that term is reserved for when America or her allies are attacked.  When it happens the China or Russia it's "oppressed ethnic minorities fighting bravely for independence".

So to answer your question, the reason why there's no terrorism in China is because CNN says there isn't any, and we all know CNN is always right and totally unbiased.

Case closed.
John Carter
John CarterAspired app devleoper
4.4k Views • John has 170+ answers in China.
China's custom in international political relations has always been a sideline practice, a mere observer. All of Chinese military can rightly be categorised as defensive force (although it has stationed its aircraft carrier in Africa but that is to evacuate and protect Chinese nationals only, no military force has been applied to external groups or people).

As such, in every sense, China is "minding its own business" so-to-speak.

You might think that Terrorists do not think like that, they are a mindless bunch of vicious animals that cannot be classified as humans, so why would they care China is doing or not doing and why not just bomb a few cities in China, right?

Terrorists are humans and they do think logicall and methodically. They are very organised and resourceful. Why I say that? Because, it took how many years to kill Bin Ladan? How many Americans killed in the middle east? How did they manage 9/11? Those Terrorists are smart and they run their organisation like how CIA run things. It is essentually two side of the same coin. Having said that, that means they do not want to provoke China when China is sleeping on the eastern hamisphere while they are fighting the west. This is like Hitler telling Japan not to bomb Pearl Habour when U.S. was still neutral while the Nazi was fighting half of the world in Europe, then all hell broke lose when Japanese bombed U.S. and the U.S. joined the game.

Same deal here for the Terrorists.
Peter Topping
Peter Topping
2.1k Views • Peter has 60+ answers in China.
China has excellent gun control 
China has tight & effective internal security down to street level 
It is Muslim minorities are not free to move about
Their accents and Central Asian appearance make most Muslim minorities easy to identify on the street
China is a very cohesive society most people in China love China and the State
While many Muslims support more autonomy or religious freedoms, most Muslim minorities don't support violence against Beijing
China is not in the business of exporting revolution in the 200os unlike, Iran, Hezbollah, AQ, ISIS, and American Hawks who export "Freedom & Democracy & Free trade "(except in stuff they dont want included like Australian Lamb, international shipping etc) .
China has stayed out of the conflicts in the Middle East, SE Asia, East Africa, West Africa & Pakistan/Afghanistan so she is a low yield target for the religously deluded.
Pete Marchetto
Pete MarchettoProfessional Englishman
2.1k Views • Pete has 90+ answers in China.
Some Chinese citizens have gone overseas to join terrorist groups.  China has certainly experienced terrorism, as Kaiser Kuo describes.

I would add that western nations are comparatively 'soft' targets.  The disadvantages of China's comparatively heavy-handed policing and monitoring of the citizenry are well-documented in terms of its impinging upon the freedoms of innocent individuals.  At the same time, it makes it very adept at dealing with potential terrorists.  Foreigners are tightly monitored in terms of having to register their address within 24 hours of arrival, needing to carry their passports at all times, etc. and visas are comparatively difficult to get hold of.  

A comparable situation might be that of China's successful control of the SARS outbreak once they mobilised.  They were able, as a matter of course, to implement restrictions western nations would baulk at, (monitoring who went into and came out of urban areas, confining students to their campuses, a media in lock-step with all government initiatives rather than putting them out there for debate).  Add to that a 'Shoot first, don't take questions later' policy, and it's an inimical environment for outsiders with an inclination towards terrorist attacks.
Guo Wei
Guo Wei
2.4k Views • Guo has 700+ answers in China.
Apart from the reasons many answerers have given here, another reason I think worth mentioning is that Chinese take great precaution of muslim control.

In the 19th century, Hui Chinese muslims initiated a rebellion against the Manchu government. Even though this historical event cannot be describe as "Islamic Terrorism", I don't think it would be very different from the case of Iraq nowadays. This rebellion caused a significant reduction in population in the northwest China, about 15m people lost their lives, nearly two thirds of whom are Han Chinese and the remaining are Hui Chinese muslims.

This tragedy lasts for about 10 years, from 1862 to 1873. The rebels are mainly Hui Chinese muslims. Hui people are actually no different from Han Chinese except that they worship Islam even though some of them may have Arabic or even Persian ancestors. Anyway, the muslims rioted partly because of the ruthless persecution from the Manchu government, and also that heavy clashes between Han Chinese and Hui muslims. Han Chinese killed muslims and burned down their villages. In return, Hui muslims started up their own militias to fight against pro-government Han Chinese militias and government troops. Both killed enough of each other in the rebellion, the casualties amount to a record high.

However, the Manchu government was determined to crack down the muslims because it was a game of life or death then. In the south China there were Taiping rebels who occupied half of China and established their own government (Taiping Heavenly Kingdom). If the muslims were to succeed, Manchus would have a hard time surviving. Fortunately the Taiping rebels were defeated by Han Chinese civil corps (or militias?). These sophisticated para military units were transferred to the northwest to fight against the rioting muslims, who could have little chance to win.

After the muslims were defeated, most muslim riot leaders were either prisoned or executed. The government forced the muslims to move out of Han Chinese territories and live in separate areas. If muslims need to take a trip, they will need a permit from the government to do so. Anyway, the Manchu government changed its policy. They allowed pro-government muslim warlords to help govern the muslim areas. This "coalition" ended only before 1949.

This is a period of history we cannot ignore. Anyway, I won't call it "Islamic Terrorism". This is more of an ethnic conflict rather than "terrorism" from a historical perspective. However, we must not let it happen again.
V. Patel
V. PatelProud Indian. Proud Hindu. Proud Leo.
I heard about this incident in China during the Beijing Olympics. I am not sure about the genuineness of it but it goes like this.

A group of 11 Pakistanis was intercepted in a city in China. 4 of them were found carrying Kalashnikovs. The Chinese police gunned down all 11 then and there, no hearing, no questioning, no bullshit. 

The 7 who were not carrying anything were also shot down. A civilian has no business carrying a Kalashnikov. Also a civilian has no business interacting with a guy holding a Kalashnikov.

7 people hanging out with terrorists sacrificed for 100's of innocent people that would have been killed seems fair.

Let's see the message that the terrorists got. Hey, let's not fuck with China, they will gun us down on the slightest mistake we make. We might not get a chance to earn our 40 (or whatever they are promised) virgins. 

Let's bomb some people in India( or any other less strict country). They have compassionate people, we can plan at our comfort, if we get caught carrying suspicious items we will probably be taken to court and have a chance to slip out of India. Aadarsh liberal fools will guarantee no harsh actions are taken against us.

Let's see what message a local person helping a terrorist got.

In China:
Fuck off you and your jihadi ventures, stay away from me I don't want to get involved. I don't want to be associated with you even remotely.

In another country:
Let me see how I can help you without getting in any trouble. I want to do my bit of jihad without getting directly involved. Anyways I won't be arrested just for talking to a terrorist who hasn't done any terrorist activity yet.

A terrorist coming from a foreign country can't do shit without local support. 

Terrorists are grade A cowards. They come hiding and kill innocent people. When their comrades get punished the message goes out loud and clear, do not fuck with this country.
Jianx. Han
Jianx. Han
because in your media, these terrorists are "independent fighters""desperate freedom fighters".  
1/2 of these terrorism victims are same muslims, same ethnic group with terrorists. not a single media mentioned this.
but i am glad to find that, these terrorists are no longer welcomed. several of their attacks are stopped by both muslims and non-muslim people. because they know terrorists, are terrorists, even with the so-called honor of "freedom fighters"
Wonderful answers below. Just wanted to add that the Chinese government isn't one that most people would want to mess with. In most countries where terrorism is present, the judicial process to serve punishment to a terrorist is long drawn and very 'humane'. Compare that to China - if one is accused of terrorism, the trial is short and if convicted, the sentence is the death penalty. That is a deterrent to a lot of people who otherwise would have been all to happy to make trouble.
TLDR- because of Pakistan. 
China need not worry about trans-national terrorists, as long as it is (indirectly) protecting those terrorists.

The comparison between India and China is pretty apt- as North India and Western China are close geographically.
Most Islamist terror attacks in India are either done by Pakistani citizens or done via Pakistan (i.e. training, financing by Pakistani deep state). And Pakistan tries its best that these elements which it uses against India and Afghanistan, don't hurt China.

Pakistan protects China from condemnation at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) - which every year passes a resolution condemning world's second/third largest Muslim state India for Kashmir but never criticises what PRC is doing in Xinxiang (i.e clear violation of civil rights and religious freedoms of Muslims in China).
And returning the favour, China protects these terror assets that Pak has- by repeatedly vetoing actions against them at UN- notably China has protected UN resolutions against 26/11 Mumbai terrorists Lashkar-e-Toiba and 2001 Indian Parliament attackersJaish e Mohammad.
If not to protect the terror assets of its 'iron friend' Pakistan, why would China care about these nefarious terrorist organisations?

China blocks bid for U.N. action on Pakistan over Lakhvi
China blocks India move for UN ban on salahuddin officials
Behind the news: Lakhvi, UNSCR 1267, and China’s ‘technical hold’
Gene Xie
Gene XieResearch Director at DooLabs (not the smartphone company)
A better question: Why does the media cover terrorist attacks if they understand that coverage makes terrorism more effective? The Chinese media doesn't cover it (although to be fair - that probably has to do with their lack of human rights, namely - free speech)

Another reason not listed already (as far as I can tell) is thatAmericans tend to be far more concerned with their safetyand the safety of others than most people in China and India, so terrorism isn't as effective.

The UK and Europe also aren't nearly as active in foreign affairs as the US, so that's another reason why terrorism wouldn't be as effective there. Why blow up a building if nobody will spend trillions of dollars fighting about it?
Vincent Zeng
Vincent Zengmere a student
Although China is a safe country.We still face terrorist attack and  terrorist that include Islamic Terrorsm. But why does they no t attack China like western country.There are three reson I see.First,China isn't a religious country. The western country like US or UK,all of the citizen have religion. The majority  is Christianify that Islamic is  hostile to it.But China isn't a religious country.
Second ,not only chinese government but also citizen peace with Muslim in the past dynasties.Hundreds of years chinese reapect their culture.The part of  Muslim live in China has become a chinese citizen.
Finally,chinese government think the Muslim countrise are chinese important friends.We need keep on good terms with them.
Prateek Kumar
Prateek Kumar
1.2k Views • Prateek has 540+ answers in India.
From the question details it seems you meant to refer to "Islamist terror" instead, which was defined to refer to those who have misunderstood/corrupted that religion's ideals, and seek to unite the world under a Global caliphate by resorting to violent acts to achieve it. Its a PC term coined by the US media, and a similar point would be the objection to "saffron terror" by the Congress because it should be "Hindutva Extremists".

Islamist - supporting or advocating Islamic fundamentalism

That is the sort of terror that has been attacking the the US and Europe for they have troops stationed in parts of the world where the GWOT is raging. India is also targeted because it has a significant Muslim population (which is not sympathetic to that cause), geographically abuts West Asia and Pakistan, and has conflicts with that country whose state policy is to use some of that terror infra structure in Indian mainland and Kashmir.

Little of this applies to China because Islam in China is <2% of the population compared to 12-15% of India, and China was not ruled by West Asian Empires. 

So I find some answers on this page a bit strange - Separatists or internal insurgents claiming to be aligned with groups that are not active elsewhere, are not the same as "Islamist terror" which has an interconnected presence worldwide.

I bring that up because there are inexplicable references to being a "victim" of this global menace which doens't seem to be true -Islamic terrorismIslamism and List of Islamist terrorist attacks have no/few references to China. *Disagree[d] with one answer which references Gujarat in India - which is an actual victim of terror here, even though China willingly chooses to back Pakistan and its state sponsorship of those policies against India. It even recently held up the plea against Lakhvi's release there on bureaucratic grounds. (* = Edited)
Tarek Nassar
Tarek Nassar
What goes on in the twisted minds of Islamic terrorists, or terrorists of any kind for that matter, is difficult to divine. But if I may venture a guess, it would be the following. 

As many have pointed out, China has been subjected to terrorist attacks purported by Muslims although the reasons are throught to be more related to ethnicity (the Uighurs) rather than religious affiliation. 

To answer the question, maybe one of the reasons why China has not really been a target of people like ISIS and their ilk, is the lack of specific hard core grievances against Chinese policies in the Middle East or other parts of the Islamic world. Whereas the UK and many European countries have been past colonial powers in the Middle East, the US is seen to be highly biased towards Israel and India's long standing conflict with Pakistan over Kashmir; no such charges can be levied against China. 

Maybe, just maybe, in the twisted mind of ISIS and its confederates, the above is reason enough to spare China. Then again, who the hell knows what insane logic those guys use.
Gopal Sinha
Gopal Sinha
May be it is taking its own time.

 May be China is a hard nut to crack. May be might is right. May be China is simply not their cup of tea. May be China pre-empts their moves. May be China is known for no-nonsense business.

 May be China doesn't believe in a policy of appeasement. May be China isn't a democracy.

 May be China is politically, economically, socially, culturally, strategically, tactly far more superior. May be the radicals have been successfully identified and isolated by China. 

May be China has been able to instill some fear in their hearts, fear of reprisal, counter-offensive, severe punishment. May be China has kept them under constant vigil. 

One can take a lesson from Chinese example of determined and dexterous handling of its policies both at home and abroad.
Edward Martin
Edward Martin
From another Quora question (I can't find) about Muslims in China it seemed that Chinese culture has a stronger affect on the Muslims than the other way around - Many Chinese Muslims still eat pork for instance. Islamic culture (or Christian culture) has not taken hold in China in large part due to the Chinese view of religion being so different than in other parts. They worship ideas rather than gods. They have also been in China for a very long time unlike in Europe.
Cici Xu
Cici Xu
You know what?The basic ideas of all Chinese people(including the government)'s behavior is called"Zhongyong",which you can simply take as not being drastic.The Chinese government don't send military forses to the Middle East and also they do not echo the American voice.Japan promised to give of a large sum of money to help striking the IS,and weeks later the hostages appeared on the interenet.Also,there is relatively fewer Chinese in that district and they don't like to be aggressive.Bingo.
P.S. There are indeed terrorism attacks in China but I believe the nation is not a top foe for the IS.
Vincent Kang
Vincent KangI'm the Limp Bizkit of Quora.

Very low populations of Muslims in China. The most problematic populations live in the far West, literally thousands of miles away from major population centers on China's east coast.

Where the Chinese do mix with Muslims, in Xinjiang, there is lots of communal violence.

Generally though, the fact that China has not experienced large-scale multiculturalism, Muslim immigration, makes it fairly immune to these problems.

The root thought of extreme Islamic terrorists is about religion conflicts, not about anything else. So they just simply attacked countries with different religions and with one or more other conflicts.

China is mainly an atheist country (don't think China is a buddism country as their gov suppress any influential religionshttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/...  ). While most of countries or area you mentioned (US, 
Europe, India are Christian/Catholic or Hindu/Buddism... ones.
Islamic Jihadis have attacked the Chinese.  See Kaiser Kuu's answer for the details.
I Think Because Terrorist Country Pakistan and China Has a Hidden military agreement by this agreement China war with India in 1962. and Pakistan war with india in 1965, 1971, 1999. now a days Pakistan firing at indian border and china try to insert indian border. China Finance terrorist, but china want to get more land from neighbor's country from e.g.- India, Japan, Vietnam etc . by hidden contract Pakistan Give some India's occupy land to china. Now a days Pakistan and china can't occupy India's land because India's Economy and military power increased. for support Terrorist now a day's china's many military agreements are with Islamic Country. China help terrorist like gun, bullet, missile, food, medicine etc. via Pakistan-Iran- Iraq and last Terrorist. and China Give Petrol from that country by way of Iraq-Iran- Pakistan way. that's way china's Production cost is less and high benefit.
I am seriously annoyed by people calling acts of terror performed by Muslims "Islamic terrorism"! 
I look at all these answers; they all go about incidents and cases of terror attacks done by a person who happened to be a Muslim, like the question is valid and does not have anything wrong with it.
Why don't we call terror attacks done by Jews or Christians or Hindus, Christian or Jewish or Hindus attacks?
Why did nobody call the Chapel Hill attack a Christian attack? 
Why no one is calling the horrible and terrifying Buddhist attacks on Burma Muslims, Buddhist attacks? Even Muslims are not calling them Buddhist attacks!
For crying out loud, why no is calling the Baltimore, Atalanta rage, an American attack? aha maybe African Americans attacks? close enough, you know where would that go next...

I am not here to argue, but please rephrase your question, and if you see questions like this, please do point out the unfortunately not-obvious anymore.
Hongtao Zhang
Hongtao ZhangManchu Chinese From Tangshan.
Rule NO.1,remember please:

When the terrorists are fighting against China, they are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters.
2016年03月23日 16:04 海外视角




比利时发生连环恐袭 西方的文明保护不了自己(图源:新华社)





2013-01-19 05:54:55

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一本打破西方对中国偏见的书 ——评郑若麟新作《平凡的中国人》

  法国资深媒体人 姚蒙


  笔者把此书作为礼物送给一些关心中国的法国朋友时,他们看到书的标题就会发出会心一笑:LES CHINOIS SONT LES HOMMES COMME LES AUTRES用法语逐字翻译就是“中国人是与其他人一样的人”,因为在法国人日常使用的语言里,“他(或他们)跟别人可不同”这句话常常是贬义的。与“中国梦想秀”节目里一个小女孩天真直率地说周立波“骂人不带脏字”一样,伏尔泰、卢梭的语言自17世纪路易十四时代起就形成了一整套修辞来“优雅”地褒贬他人了。提到中国人,法国人最常用的一句话恰恰就是“他们与其他人可不同”。如果你是生活在西方、在法国的华人,如果你在媒体里见到如此多有关中国、中国人的负面报道,听到周边法国人、欧洲人动不动就不以为然地说“中国人与其他人不同”,看到不了解中国、甚至都不会说中文的“中国通”竟然还在电视台、媒体里大放厥词,你本能的反应就是这句话:对不起,中国人跟你们一样也是人!因此作为同行,我很理解老友郑若麟为何使用了这么一个不同寻常的句子来做书的标题:译成中文普普通通的这个书名,在法语里就体现了作者的机智与幽默。











楼主:背对着浮华 时间:2016-01-21 15:49:00 
  “民主”吗,从字面和含意来解析都他妈的是个好玩意,可是为了这玩意玩到山河破碎、民不聊生的境地,你觉得好吗?阿拉伯之春的结局是什么?中东剧变整整5年了,这场最初被冠以“阿拉伯之春”的社会政治运动曾被寄托了追求民主复兴的无限梦想,但结果却事与愿违,卷入其中的国家大多在所谓转型过程中一步步走向了动乱和衰败。“阿拉伯之春”变成“阿拉伯之冬”,5年之间的这种急转直下引人深思。 对阿拉伯国家而言,这场剧变确实在某种程度上打破了旧秩序,但却并未天然地带来新秩序。作为幕后推手的西方国家在这场剧变后也已开始自食其果,“阿拉伯之春”的外溢效应变得越来越明显,欧洲难民危机以及法国等国遭遇恐袭等,都证明西方国家搬起石头砸了自己的脚。
  ——法国大革命期间 罗兰夫人临刑前留下这句名言

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