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已有 914 次阅读2018-5-29 11:08 |个人分类:人物



宾大华裔教授Vanessa Chan毕业典礼演讲。(取自Youtube)


听腻了有关失败和成功的心灵鸡汤?宾大华裔教授Vanessa Chan日前在工程学院(School of Engineering & Applied Science)毕业典礼讲话中别出心裁。她激励毕业生“失败就像放屁,是自然现象,只是我们一般羞于承认”。

作为宾大材料科学工程系主任,Vanessa Chan在演讲开场时就表示,“虽然我并非世界闻名的学者,但希望你们能够记住我。我会与大家分享我的失败,其中一些是因为我的愚蠢,一些是因为环境,有的甚至找不到原因,这些你们都可能遇到。”

Vanessa Chan的开场白引起师生的笑声和掌声,而她随后给出十个应对失败的方法:改变衡量标准、重新定义失败、摆脱负面和阴影、扩大人际关系、提早累积资源、勇于发声、支持多元化、持续专注、感谢他人,以及不要太过在意自我。她的演讲获得宾大现场的掌声与欢呼。

Vanessa Chan本科毕业于宾大材料科学工程系,并在麻州理工学院(MIT)取得博士学位。她是宾大教授、医学院技术委员会成员、创新公司“re.design”的创始人、总裁,也参与大量志愿工作,包括担任女性职场教育机构Ellevate Network费城分部共同主席、教育机构Springside Chestnut Hill Academy董事会成员,以及文化与教育基金会Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation商业资源与创新顾问委员会主席。


"Failing is like Farting.  It's Natural.  Everyone Does It.
​We Just Don't Like To Admit It"

Dr. Vanessa Chan
Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Undergraduate Chair of Materials Science & Engineering
3231 Walnut Street
​Philadelphia, PA 19104
Vanessa Chan is an Entrepreneur, Angel Investor, Speaker, Educator and Working Mom.  She is a leading thinker in innovation & entrepreneurship where she thrives at the interface of technology and business. Her specialty is translating technology assets to meet unmet needs for B2B, B2C & DTC companies.  

She was a partner at McKinsey & Company for 13 years where she co-led their innovation practice and helped Fortune 500 companies with deep R&D portfolios commercialize their technologies.  After McKinsey, she founded Redesign Studio, a company that redesigns consumer products to solve consumer gripes starting with her first invention, Loopit, tangle-free stylish headphones. Loopit’s launch was phenomenal, doubling the goal of their Kickstarter campaign, reaching the finals on the Today Show’s Next Big Thing and receiving a nomination for Rad Girls Product of the Year Award.  Loopit is sold on QVC (where Vanessa has appeared), Touch of Modern, and her on-line store, www.redesign.studio.  

Vanessa is now on her third career, at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is a Professor of Practice in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the Undergraduate Chair of the Materials Science Department and a member of the Executive Committee of Penn Health Tech – a new center between the Schools of Medicine and Engineering, where their mission is to develop new transformative medical devices.

Vanessa writes and speaks on 1) how to successfully commercialize new products 2) going from corporate executive to entrepreneur, as an inspiration to others to take a more entrepreneurial approach to life and 3) work-life integration from the perspective of a dual-income family where both partners have intense, high-profile careers. Vanessa’s journey has been covered in various news outlets including the WSJ, The Washington Post, a best-selling book (I Know How She Does It), CBS and various podcasts including “Women Killing It!”.  You also can find her very well received 2018 Penn Engineering Commencement speech at www.failingislikefarting.com.

​When she’s not inventing new things, you can find Vanessa helping others succeed as the co-­President of the Philadelphia Chapter of Ellevate Network and supporting new start­ups both as a partner Robin Hood Ventures (an angel investing group) and as the chair of the BRIC (Business Resource Innovation Center) Advisory Council for the Free Library of Philadelphia. She also is on the Innovation Business Development Advisory Council for United Technology Corporation (a $55B industrial conglomerate) and the Advisory Board for Charge-it-Spot.  Vanessa is passionate about K-12 education and is a Trustee for Springside Chestnut Hill (SCH) Academy and a founding member of SCH’s Venture Incubator Advisory Board, where she has helped students bring their ideas to life, including her daughters’ own inventions and businesses.
Vanessa earned a Ph.D. from MIT, a B.S.E from the University of Pennsylvania, both in Materials Science and Engineering and holds three patents. Vanessa is married to Mark van der Helm, the VP of Energy, Waste & Facilities Maintenance at Walmart and despite their crazy careers are engaged parents to two school-aged daughters. She is an avid single-track mountain biker, downhill skier and world traveler.






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