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Why is democratic India lagging behind China in economic development

已有 310 次阅读2018-7-19 09:43 |个人分类:India 印度

Why is India lagging behind China in economic development when India is a democracy  and china isn't?

12 Answers

Ayden Ye
Ayden Ye, Enthusiast and Pioneer of Virtual Reality and 360 Content

Why is India lagging behind China in economic development when India is a democracy and china isn't?

There are some evidence suggesting that “Democracy” might help maintain economic growth *after* a nation matures economically; but overall, “Democracy” and economic development are not co-related.

Economic development relies on (1)Economic Freedom, (2) Resources (3) Strong Regulating Institutions, (4) Good Infrastructures and (5) Innovations.

India is lagging behind China in economy mainly because India’s economic liberation came about 12 years after China (1991 vs. 1979).

Seth Larson
Seth Larson, Broad interests, deep curiosity
Your question pre-supposes that democracy is better for growing GDP than a totalitarian regime. Totalitarian regimes have the ability to focus attention on economic sectors with little bureaucratic inefficiencies while simultaneously skirting environmental and other social issues that bog down development in democracies.

From Capitalism and Democracy
Lester Thurow writes that "democracy and capitalism have very different beliefs about the proper distribution of power. One believes in a completely equal distribution of political power, 'one man [sic] one vote,' while the other believes that it is the duty of the economically fit to drive the unfit out of business and into extinction. 'Survival of the fittest' and inequalities in purchasing power are what capitalist efficiency is all about. Individual profit comes first and firms become efficient to be rich. To put it in its starkest form, capitalism is perfectly compatible with slavery. Democracy is not."

Take infrastructure, for example. In a totalitarian government, where all decisions are made from the top down, capital can be immediately shifted to the economic sector that would most benefit. Infrastructure is built without restriction or argument. Democracy is messy and slow, every expenditure is passed through layers of bureaucracy. This is extremely important to developing economies.

Now, why does India lag behind China? Here's one perspective:

From Why Does India Lag Behind China?

India’s experience differs from that of China in at least three important respects. First, while India has seen the share of agriculture in the GDP decline, it has not experienced perceptible rise in the share of manufactures. Second, exports out of and direct foreign investment (DFI) into India have not seen the same rapid expansion as that seen in the case of China. Finally, fast-growing exports from India have been either capital-intensive or skilled-labour intensive. The shift in favour of unskilled-labour-intensive products traditionally observed in response to the adoption of outward-oriented polices has not happened in India.

The most dramatic difference between India and China lies in the magnitude of international economic engagement. One measure of this difference is that the annual expansion in China’s trade has been larger than India’s total annual trade during last several years.

I think one of the key points here is the difference between growth sectors. China's growth has been largely due to manufacturing which requires little specialization and education and is limited mostly by the industrial inputs. Whereas India's largest growth sectors have been in specialized field like technology and finance, which are limited by the education level of the labor force.

Ultimately, there are all kinds of reasons India lags behind China. Some could be historic, geographic and social. The most important thing to take away from this question is the false assumption that democracies are better for developing economies than other forms of government. In fact, it would be better to think of capitalism as opposed to democracy.
Collin Anthony Spears
Collin Anthony Spears, Lived in China for 2.5 years in two different provinces.
China has always been ahead of China, compare Chinese history to Indian, India was never a unified state until the British.  Indian inventions have paled in comparisons to what was produced in China.  India did produce a lot of philosophy/religion, but most of it did not have a major affect outside of India besides Hinduism, which was later dwarfed in Southeast Asia by Buddhism (which also spread throughout Central Asia and East Asia but was literally swallowed up by Islam in many areas).  Literacy in China has a long history and is more complex, likely due to a unified written language (something India still has not accomplished even in 2014).

In short, India being "behind China" in most measures is the simply historically how things have ALWAYS BEEN, but for short periods.

Please consult this link:

Page on nyu.edu

Comin, Diego, William Easterly, and Erick Gong. 2010. "Was the Wealth of Nations Determined in 1000 BC?" American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2(3): 65-97.

DOI: 10.1257/mac.2.3.65

We assemble a dataset on technology adoption in 1000 bc, 0 ad, and 1500 AD for the predecessors to today's nation states. Technological differences are surprisingly persistent over long periods of time. Our most interesting, strong, and robust results are for the association of 1500 AD technology with per capita income and technology adoption today. We also find robust and significant technological persistence from 1000 BC to 0 AD, and from 0 AD to 1500 AD. The evidence is consistent with a model where the cost of adopting new technologies declines sufficiently with the current level of adoption.


In 1000 BC, the Middle Eastern empires and China have an overall technology adoption level of 0.95 and 0.9, respectively, while in India and Western Europe the average adoption levels are 0.67 and 0.65, respectively. In 0 AD, India and Western Europe catch up with China and the Middle Eastern empires. In 1500 AD, Western Europe has completed the transition and is the most advanced of the four great civilizations with an average overall adoption level of 0.94. China remains ahead of most countries with an overall adoption level of 0.88. The Indian and the Middle Eastern empires have fallen behind to 0.7. 

I think the India Subcontinent region was always good as theorizing, hence the numerous religion and philosophies that came out of the region, but as far as the creation and adoption of actual technology, political and social innovation...uhm, NOT SO MUCH.

This is same as asking why is India lagging behind China while we do much of our work in English and China in Mandarin Chinese.

Because many Indians simply suffer from delusions. Thats why. And they think doing certain things in a particular manner or by adopting certain things or system India will be magically transformed into a developed country.

Democracy in itself doesn’t do anything. The people in that democracy have to do something to become developed and that doing something is much more than wishful thinking and grand delusions. China and the rest of the world has only one example of knowing how democracy works in a country with more than a 1 billion people. And that is not an example anyone would like to follow. If India displayed an example of successful democracy probably the Chinese would have given it a thought but now after looking at India they are even more convinced that democracy will fail China.

Rahul Verma
Rahul Verma, System Engineer at Infosys Limited (2017-present)

One of the greatest pillar of Democracy is freedom. But one can't say that democracy is big reason. There is many reason why India lag behind in economic development.

  • India open to Global market in 90’s where China opened to globalization way to early when Industrial revolution is at a very good pace. China’s quick decision policy can be considered a big reason.
  • China had skilled and young labour under its belt in past although new surveys suggest that India is having now Youngest population.
  • China has provided world class infrastructure for industry setup. It had world dependent on China for manufacturing products of any type.

So, we can’t blame democracy for India’s performance in economic development but there are many reason which persist to that problem.

Jim George
Jim George, bank consultant, with political background on both sides
It is freedom, not Democracy, that leads to rapid economic development.  India allows majorities to limit actions of individuals in many ways, while the US has a Bill of Rights which prevents majority rule from stomping on individuals' initiatives as effectively as any Totalitarian government could.  In the US we assume freedom naturally follows Democracy.  But the heavy hand of the Indian Government proves otherwise - to their economic detriment. In the US you can do whatever you are not forbidden, while in many countries you can only do what you are approved to do.
Because India's democracy is not a real democracy. Your democracy just show at one moment when you vote and that's all. And also unfortunately, none of the parties is good. I couldn't see any democracy and human rights for beggars and the people living on the streets. As long as you poor, there is no real democracy and human rights, also freedom. Because money limits you to do anything.

Because Indian they talk too much. Before they start doing a thing, they like an expert. I read tons of Indian IT worker's resume, they are expert on everything even they don't have computer at home. But if you ask them a little deeper question, they can answer. They can declear themselves expert after finishing a 21 days dummies book. Chinese are more pratical and humble.

Politics is politics, the economy is the economy.

Between the two was not necessarily associated.

Although China's political situation is bad.To tell the truth, China's economic development is still good.
曹安祺, studied at Northwestern Polytechnical University (2016)

Economic development has nothing to do with democracy. It is only concerned with the cost of production. The cost of production includes raw materials, labor, tariffs and so on. Obviously, countries with concentrated powers are more likely to have material forces.

Prateek Maggo
Prateek Maggo, former Management Intern at Vodafone (2017)
Read this article and you will know for sure. This isn't directly related to India being a democracy but it covers that point very well.
Can India catch up with China?






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