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发表于 2014-2-17 12:22:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 amywhite 于 2014-2-17 12:28 编辑

Dollar Cost Averaging(DCA),即定期投资。


DCA,即在一段时间内定期定额买入某个投资,每次买入时,由于是定额,如果价格升高,买入的单位就少一点;如果价格降低,买入的单位就多一点。这样最终 的结果是以平均单位价买入,一定会低于所有买入点的价格平均值。道理很简单,在高价时买入的单位少,在低价时买入的单位多。因此,即使终点低于起点,DCA的投资 也可能是盈利的。

Managing volatility throughdollar cost averaging

Dollarcost averaging can help manage the risks of investing. Dollar cost averaging is an investment technique that involves buying equal dollar amounts of a given investment on a regular basis. Rather than investing all your money at once,making a commitment to invest a smaller amount on a regular basis can lower your average cost per unit by purchasing more units at lower prices. Talk to us about how this strategy can result in a substantial increase in the value of your investments.

Profit with dollar cost averaging

The concept of “buy low and sell high” sounds attractive, but is difficult to follow due to the unpredictable nature of short-term market prices. To take advantage of these changing prices, one of the simplest yet most effective investment strategies you can use is known as dollar cost averaging.

By making a commitment to investing a smaller amount on a regular schedule, dollar cost averaging can help you lower your average cost by purchasing more investment units at lower prices, and fewer units at higher prices.


臧津晖(Amy) 专业财富规划师 FPSC Registered Candidate


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