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舶悦精品酒店别墅扩展 招聘

发表于 2016-4-1 09:34:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
舶悦精品酒店别墅扩展 招聘
舶悦精品酒店是一家拥有20多间贵宾房和多栋独立别墅,并以高标准接待各国访者和游客。现诚聘酒店别墅清洁/管家一名。管家工作时间自由,负责清洁和处理别墅大小事项。有酒店清洁经验为佳。有意者请将履历电邮 info@boardwalkhomes.ca
Boardwalk Homes is expanding. Hiring again!
Looking for a part to full time housekeeper. Flexible work hours at a beautiful modern B&B/boutique hotel. Love to clean and hotel cleaning experience an asset. Please email to info@boardwalkhomes.ca and submit your resume and any questions.

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