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K.W.C.G. 实时峰值价-"Smart-meter" 先走一步?

发表于 2011-6-14 13:41:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 一语 于 2011-6-14 13:50 编辑

K.W.C.G. 将很快实行实时峰值价-"Smart-meter"

新闻跟踪, 能源信息
TheRecord - The smart meter program is kicking into placeKitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, 将很快实行实时峰值价 - 9:24amBy Terry Pender, Record staff; Thu Jun 09 2011 20:58:00; 41 ... Jeff Bartels stands next to his hydro meter at his Kitchener home, Thursday. ... WATERLOO REGION — Jeff Bartels is worried about increasing costs for electricity as local ...www.therecord.com › NewsLocal
Read the print  article:http://www.therecord.com/print/article/545606
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*Credit to original author
“I have two young children, my day is seven to seven,” Bartels said.
On top of the new prices, Bartels is really miffed about getting such short notice of the changes.
“Many people are on fixed incomes on this street, and I am a single father of two young children, I don’t know how bad this is going to hurt me two months down the road,” Bartels said.
“It seems like we are the ones getting nailed first, and I hate to say it, there are other people in the world who can afford this a little easier than the people on this street,” Bartels said.

Read the print article: http://www.therecord.com/print/article/545606
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新闻跟踪, 能源信息 文章透露 Kitchener 地区 用户两周前 都陆续收到当地电力 Hydro / Utility 有关这次调价的书面通知

安省能源局 四月中公布:五 月一日起, 地方普通电价 由 0.074 上调为 0.079 kWh,高峰电价调整为 0.0107 kWh 这次分时电价的上调涨幅达 8-15%。将对日间营业的用量较大工商用户有较大影响

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-17 08:59:09 | 显示全部楼层

早在二月的时候, ….贴的

本帖最后由 一语 于 2011-6-17 09:03 编辑

早在二月的时候, ….贴的


【译序】:政府日前 发出小册页,花费 $100万元,却透露了电费将上涨的信息:电费较高上涨是因为目前的供电系统,能量充沛而污染较少,预计在未来五年内另外增加百分之46”。“多伦多星报 在援引省长的解释时这样说,尽管安省许诺将在未来五年给予居民及中小工商总消费电费10%的补贴。 "如同世界其他地方一样,安省的电费将会上涨“
“Like in a lot of world, electricity prices in Ontario are going up!"- 见政府宣传小册页原文

多伦多星报 二月七日 题 ““Ontario to launch $1 million blitz to explain soaring energy costs
February 07, 2011-Robert Benzie
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-19 14:39:17 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 一语 于 2011-6-19 14:40 编辑

Guelph 地区将很快实行 “分时制 高峰计价” 的数字电表价.

Time-of-use billing coming soon
Guelph 地区已有约 48,000 居民及中小商户业者,安装了法定的数字电表。六月中旬, 当地电力将以书信邮递方式, 提前 60 天, 通知消费者。 这样消费者 (居民及中小商户业者)预计将在八月开始收到第一份高低峰计价的帐单。
off-peak 低峰价 (5.9 cents per kilowatt hour), mid-peak 中峰价 (8.9 cents per kilowatt hour) and on-peak 高峰价 (10.7 cents per kilowatt hour). 计价每度电 高低峰平均价位 将达 0.085 kWh.
www.guelphmercury.com/ 当地网民回忆:"绿能法的数字电表刚出台时, 低峰价为 0.029 / kWh(2.9 Cents ) 而现在已经达到 0.059 / kWh (5.9 Cents ) 链接:"http://www.guelphmercury.com/news/local/article/541385--time-of-use-billing-coming-soon
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